Wellness is a continued act. It is not a one-time dose that gets you through a specific duration of life.

My Go To Smoothies & Juices

By Mims

Finding & making the perfect smoothies and juices has sort of been an obsession of mine—it all started back in 2010 when I first visited Los Angeles. I got taken to Earth Bar, the Holy Grail of health food /supplements/ smoothies / juices / Kombucha etc store in West Hollywood. I must have been about 22 and was just starting to get into the wellness scene and can so vividly remember the place’s smell of freshly juiced greens which instantly made you feel healthier before you’d even ordered. The Ultimate favourite is their Flax Master a smoothie I still look forward to having 11 years later it really is that good!

However, here are a few things I’ve come to think help contribute to me having a better day and though simple have the power to totally transform our day!


• Acai
• Banana
• Blueberries
• Earth fusion protein
• Almond butter
• Maca
• I-glutamine
• Cinnamon
• Flax oil
• Vitamin B-12
• Coconut Water

Back in 2010 I was living in London, so whilst in LA smoothies and juices were sorted coming back to UK where the health scene hadn’t really taken off yet meant I needed to go DIY. Hence the long search for the perfect Vegan Protein powder and the right ingredients to try and replicate the Flax Master from LA. For this smoothie I use Garden of Life Raw Fit protein in Original, its delicious vegan, raw and full of whole host of greens/nutrients/Probiotics and Enzymes and is also available internationally through iHerb.

I am a real creature of habit and could literally have the same smoothie every day but over the years i’ve played with different variations. For instance not everyone is good with banana. We often think its the only way to thicken/make creamy a good smoothie but it’s not necessary the only way as avocado is a great substitute. You don’t need too much however or you’ll be eating your smoothie with a spoon (something I don’t mind as it feels like fake ice cream especially if you add lots of ice). Avocados are really good fats which is great to add balance to any receipt. Here is a chocolate Avocado smoothie fav of mine:


• Avocado
• Wellco Nourishing Protein Chocolate
• Blueberries
• Spinach
• Cacao Beans / Nibs
• Almond Butter
• Oat Milk
• MCT Oil
• Ice

A client of mine introduced me to Welleco products and I just love the Nourishing Protein chocolate flavour it taste delicious and really does feel nourishing. Made from easily digestible organic pea and rice protein with organic cacao alongside a whole host of other great ingredients like dandelion, acai, B vitamins, pre & probiotics which all contribute to keeping you fuller for longer. This smoothie feels more like a chocolate treat but is ridiculously good for you!

If don’t like the idea of avocado in your smoothie fear not as oats also make a great substitute to thicken up the mix and make it feel a little more breakfastie which can be nice in the mornings. I recently found out through some food intolerance testing I am not great with bananas or avocados so had to get a little more creative with oats in smoothies and now love them, Its so interesting when we invest time and effort into finding out what personally work well for us and sometimes foods that are considered ‘healthy’ might not suit you as we are all so individualistic.


• Peanut Butter
• Oats
• Sprout Living, Epic Protein, Organic Plant Protein + Superfoods, Chocolate Maca
• Maca
• Blueberries
• Spinach
• Cinnamon
• Liquid Silica
• Water

I was introduced to Sprout living company by a dear friend and functional medicine practitioner/ nutritionist. I am always learning so much from her and you can find her @thefunctionalnutritionist. The Chocolate Maca flavour is a mix of organic plant proteins and nutrient-dense superfoods including magnesium-rich, energising cacao and adaptogenic Maca. Its full spectrum, complete amino acid profile helps speed up recovery time, promote strength and replenish your body after a fun or challenging workout. The receipt above is gorgeous anytime of day but does feel nice in the morning. Remember you can always play with different nut butters peanut, hazelnut and almond are all good options. I often add collagen to my smoothie too!

Okay and now on to juices, unless you’ve been living under a stone you have probably heard of the Antony Williams Medical Medium initiated celery juice craze that has swept the world. If by some miracle you have not I will summarise here… drinking 16oz or more of celery juice on an empty stomach has a whilst host of benefits:


• Fight autoimmune disease
• Chronic acid reflux
• Restores adrenals
• Helps bloating
• Kills Epstein-Barr viruses
• Providing essential electrolytes
• Skin clearing

I spent a long time doing the celery juice protocol first thing in the morning even upping the quantity to 32 ounces at one stage, alongside a very long morning routine before commuting from Dubai to Abu Dhabi (looking back I don’t know how I managed to fit this all in) and although I felt benefits from it I no longer religiously have just celery juice everyday. Nowadays I often use celery as a base for my green juices. but add other ingredients like green leafy vegetables, lemon, ginger and turmeric. I do however really like the recommendation of drinking juice on an empty stomach and waiting 15-30 minutes before eating as this helps a lot with reducing bloating & digestion etc. There is a lot to be said for food combining and timing! Sometimes I do this in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon as a nice pick me up, as long as you are getting the nutrients into you system i try not to be too hung up about when this happens.


• Celery
• Cucumber
• Ginger
• Lemon
• Parsley or Basil

I’m also a big fan of making warming root vegetables juices with ginger and turmeric. Even though the juices are cold there is something nurturing about these combinations and a good way to eat the rainbow as is recommended. All fruits and vegetable have different benefits and when we make sure we are varying what we eat and drink!


• Beetroot
• Carrot
• Cabbage
• Ginger
• Turmeric

So these were my favs. Finding a receipts that works for you and makes you look forward to your smoothies & juices is so important. For me its a ritual that I still look forward to everyday and am always playing around with different variations. Somethings they are great and something they are a bit meh. Either way you never know till you try!

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